This is the first of five root beers I picked up while in Ithaca, New York. One I got from a P&C grocery store, the others came from the Finger Lakes Beverage Center, which I went to on the basis of GR's excellent recommendation.
First, I love the packaging on this bottle. It looks like something you'd take for a case of the croup.
Sadly, it's the best thing about it.
There were several warning signs: many of the differing Avery products were unlabeled, they were all filled to different levels, and, in the car after we bought our stuff, TR opened a bottle of something from Avery and tried unsuccessfully to down it.
When poured out, the dark brown brew had no head to speak of, was virtually flat, and thanks to who-knows-how-much cane sugar was so sweet that it made me nauseous. The flavour was raisin-y, which isn't uncommon in an old fashioned root beers, but was pretty unwelcome nonetheless. In the end I took a few sips and dumped it down the drain. :*(
Packaging: A
Head: F
Carbonation: F
Taste: F
Final Grade: E for Ewww.
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