Monday, November 16, 2009


With its dark brown bottle, there was a time when Dad’s was about as far out as root beer got in my neck of the woods. Despite that, I was never a big fan. Now that I’m taking a more scientific approach, that fact has been proven.

It’s bland, sweetened with glucose-fructose, and kind of flat. While not a bad brew, there are plenty of others I’d take before this.

I do like the packaging though.

Packaging: A
Head: D
Carbonation: D
Taste: B
Final Grade: C



  1. Boy, that takes me back. I can't believe that i was ever such a rube as to think that Dad's was the haute couture of the root beer world. I may as well have been drinking rube beer.

    Hey, any chance of stretching the definition & having a root beer schnapps party some time? I really need to revisit those teenage schnapps obsessed years (blarg...). I'm serious, though.


  2. I also was a victim of Rube Beer, but what did we know at the time? We were rubes!

    I'm up for any beverage-themed party. Bring it.
